Pendaftaran dan Registrasi

Informasi pendaftaran

Pendaftaran calon mahasiswa baru Program Studi Diploma Teknik Mesin Universitas Riau dilakukan melalui Ujian Masuk Mandiri semester ganjil tahun 2022. Data akan diproses setelah calon mahasiswa melakukan pembayaran biaya administrasi Ujian Mandiri Universitas Riau di Bank yang bekerjasama dengan Universitas Riau (tersedia di seluruh cabang). Silahkan ikuti tahapan pendaftaran dengan teliti. Informasi lanjut bagi calon mahasiswa S1 Teknik Mesin Universitas Riau dapat melalui link berikut

Registration information

Registration for new students for the Mechanical Engineering Diploma Study Program at the University of Riau is carried out through the Independent Entrance Exam for the odd semester of 2022. The data will be processed after the prospective student has paid the administrative fee for the Riau University Independent Examination at the Bank in collaboration with the University of Riau (available in all branches). Please follow the registration steps carefully. Further information for prospective students of S1 Mechanical Engineering, University of Riau can be via the following link